Friday, March 18, 2016

Notes from the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick

Jordan Sonnenblick, the author of Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, wrote a companion novel that includes Steven and Annette from that story. Notes from the Midnight Driver is the story of Alex Peter Gregory. His parents are going through a horrendous divorce battle, and at the beginning of the story, Alex decides to drive over to his dad's house and chew him out, but he chooses to get raging drunk first and never makes it off his street - well, except to plow into the neighbor's yard and hit her garden gnome.

Alex is sentenced to community service. He is sentenced to be a companion to a grouchy old man who is dying from emphysema. He struggles at first to get along with this man, but the judge tells him he can't change patients. There is a twist that made me go back re-read the letters between Alex and judge.

This is a book about second chances, forgiveness, and change. While I think the message it contains is a good one, I also think that sometimes, it is best to walk away from people who would continue to abuse you - and only you can be the judge of that.

I enjoyed seeing Steven and Annette in another book. I liked this book and gave it 3/5 stars.

Read to a child today even if that child is you.

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