I recently found a book by Kevin Henkes that I didn't yet own, but I own it now. :) Birds was published in 2009. Laura Dronzek is the illustrator. All the pictures have bold black outlines which makes this a great book for even the littlest of babies.
In Birds, Henkes tells that birds can be different colors, so this book teaches colors. He talks about birds sizes, so your baby can learn about big and little and in between. He talks about the number of birds, so you can count with your child. He also helps a the older little child learn about abstract ideas, like what if we could see the trails birds make in the sky, or what would the sky look like if the clouds were birds. He talks about seasons, and my favorite page is a surprise.
Henkes never fails to delight me with his books for young readers. I have the hard cover version, but this book also comes as a board book, making it perfect for tiny hands.
Michelle and her grandson, Lucas, brought this cute book over for the NICU babies. Thank you!
Link to our NICU book registry if you'd like to donate books to babies in the newborn intensive care unit so their parents can read to them while they grow. You can also donate gently used books to our project by sending them to me or to Angie. Email me for a mailing address. We can use both English and Spanish books. If you have a graduate of the NICU, or if you have a baby whose life you would like to honor by donating books to this project, let me know, and I can make a book plate with their name for the books you donate.