The story starts with Soonie's great-grandma being sold away from her parents when she was seven. Her child, Mathis May, was also sold away when she was seven. Mathis May grew to sew Show Way quilts that showed slaves how to escape.
The story goes on to tell of Soonie and how she was born free to her mother who was also born free. Soonie learned to make the Show Way quilts. Each generation loves their children up and as the generations go by, the children learn to read.
Soonies' grandchildren help with the Civil Right's Movement, and one of those children became Jacqueline's mother and loved her up. Jacqueline went on to have Toshi, and "Loved that Toshi up so. Yes, I loved that Toshi up. So some mornings, I start all over. Holding tight to little Toshi, I whisper a story that came before her. . ."
This book is a work of art, both the story and illustrations, and would make an excellent addition to your personal library or to a classroom library.
Read to a child today even if that child is you.
Link to our NICU book registry if you'd like to donate books to babies in the newborn intensive care unit so their parents can read to them while they grow. You can also donate gently used books to our project by sending them to me or to Angie. Email me for a mailing address. We can use both English and Spanish books. If you have a graduate of the NICU, or if you have a baby whose life you would like to honor by donating books to this project, let me know, and I can make a book plate with their name for the books you donate.